Adobe Photoshop

4 Reasons Why the Photoshop Fonts look Pixelated

You create a new Photoshop file, and as you type a text on your design, you see your letters look jagged on the edges. It was alright the last time, but suddenly all fonts look pixelated.

Microsoft Excel

5 Commonly Asked Excel questions in Job Interviews

Today, every employer expects that you have some advance knowledge of Microsoft Excel, though it may not be the primary function of your job. Advanced excel skills can certainly boost your chances to grab that vacancy. We have selected the Five commonly asked Excel questions in Job interviews:


How to Safely Change Your WordPress Permalinks

Website permalink is a crucial address to your content and changing it can be a big challenge. You may have to forcibly decide as some of your content has become outdated and needs updating. You may have created your WordPress site without the knowledge of how to structure the permalinks? Or a decision is made to customize the structure as the present ones look clumsy. But, all these overhaulings may come at a cost of losing your past backlinks. If it is an old site, there may be thousands of links pointing to your content. Will you undertake that challenge to lose all your traffic for such a decision? Well, it is not that threatening as it may seem. There are simple WordPress plugins which can help you safely change the WordPress permalinks without breaking your website.

Microsoft Excel

Using Get & Transform in Microsoft Excel 2016

Get & Transform is a powerful data analysis tool in Microsoft Excel that allows you to import, refine and work with data from a range of sources, including files saved to your computer and web pages on the internet. You can shape data in order to display the details relevant to your purposes and hide information that is not required, without making permanent and irreversible changes to the data.

Adobe InDesign

Alternate Layouts in Adobe InDesign CC

Many documents created today need to be re-purposed for use in different ways.  A document originally intended for print will usually be required in a digital format. A document intended for a mobile device such as an iPad will need to be produced in both landscape and portrait orientations. All of this is made possible in InDesign through the use of alternate layouts.