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The Ultimate Training Experience.

jQuery: Interactive Websites Course

(4.82 out of 5) 140 Student Reviews

About the Course

During this 2 day course, participants will learn how to take static HTML and CSS web pages and bring them to life with a bit of jQuery magic. Participants will learn how to select elements on the page, move them around, remove them entirely, animate them…in short, you’ll will learn how to bend HTML and CSS to your will!

Who should do this course?

This jQuery course is for web designers who want to create interactive elements for their designs, and for developers who want to create the best user interface for their web applications.


Students should have completed our introductory courses in HTML, CSS and JavaScript or have equivalent skills. Whilst jQuery knowledge is not a pre-requisite; students should be comfortable with JavaScript syntax before attending this course.

Course Details

$990 incl GST

  • Duration:2 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Advanced
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

19 - 20 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
02 - 03 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
28 - 29 Jan 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
11 - 12 Mar 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

19 - 20 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
02 - 03 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
28 - 29 Jan 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
11 - 12 Mar 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

19 - 20 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
02 - 03 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
28 - 29 Jan 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
11 - 12 Mar 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

19 - 20 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
02 - 03 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
28 - 29 Jan 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
11 - 12 Mar 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

19 - 20 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
02 - 03 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
28 - 29 Jan 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
11 - 12 Mar 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

19 - 20 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
02 - 03 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
28 - 29 Jan 25 Tue - Wed Online Live
11 - 12 Mar 25 Tue - Wed Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Benefits of jQuery

  • Cross-browser Compatibility
  • CSS3 Selectors
  • Helpful Utilities
  • jQuery User Interface
  • jQuery plugins
  • Keeping Markup Clean

Unit 2: Downloading and Including JQuery

  • Downloading jQuery
  • The Google CDN
  • Uncompressed or compressed?

Unit 3: Anatomy of a jQuery Script

  • The jQuery Alias
  • Dissecting a jQuery Statement
  • Making Sure the Page is Ready

Unit 4: Selecting - the Core of jQuery

  • Simple Selecting
  • Narrowing Down the Selection
  • Testing the Selection
  • Working with jQuery Filters
  • Selecting Multiple jQuery Elements

Unit 5: Decorating - CSS with jQuery

  • Reading CSS Properties
  • Setting CSS Properties
  • Classes

Unit 6: Enhancing - Adding Effects with jQuery

  • Hiding and Revealing Elements
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • Adding New Elements
  • Removing Existing Elements
  • Modifying Content
  • Basic Animation: Hiding and Revealing with Flair
  • Callback Functions

Unit 7: Animating

  • Animating CSS Properties
  • Color Animation
  • jQuery Easing
  • Advanced Easing
  • Bouncy Content Panes
  • The Animation Queue
  • Chaining Actions
  • Pausing the Chain
  • Animated Navigation
  • The jQuery User Interface Library

Unit 8: Scrolling

  • The scroll Event
  • Floating Navigation
  • Scrolling the Document

Unit 9: Resizing

  • The resize Event
  • Resizable Elements

Unit 10: Images and Slideshow

  • Custom Lightbox
  • ColorBox - A Lightbox Plugin
  • Cross-fading Slideshows
  • Scrolling Slideshows

Unit 11: Menus, Tabs, Tooltips, and Panels

  • Expandable and Collapsible Menus
  • Open and Closed Indicators
  • Menu Expand on Hover
  • Drop-down Menus
  • A Simple Accordion
  • Multiple-level Accordions
  • jQuery UI Accordion
  • Basic Tabs
  • jQuery UI Tabs
  • Slide-down Login Form
  • Simple Tooltips

Unit 12: Forms, Controls and Dialogs

  • Simple Form Validation
  • Form Validation with the Validation Plugin
  • Maximum Length Indicator
  • Form Hints
  • Autocomplete
  • Date Picker
  • Sliders
  • Drag and Drop
  • Query UI sortable
  • Progress Bar
  • Query UI Dialog

Unit 13: Lists, Trees, and Tables

  • jQuery UI Selectables
  • Sorting Lists
  • Expandable Tree
  • Event Delegation
  • Fixed Table Headers
  • Selecting Rows with Checkboxes

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Course Reviews

(4.80 out of 5) [ 06 October, 2022 ]

I enjoyed the course learned a lot and definitely pushed me to learn more. I learned more since taking it

(5.00 out of 5) [ 02 September, 2021 ]

Excellent course! Very informative and covered lots of important points. The instructor was very engaging.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 02 September, 2021 ]

The variety of work we did as well as discussing the many ways to skin the proverbial cat when programming in jQuery was really useful!

(4.50 out of 5) [ 02 September, 2021 ]

Linda, the instructor was very friendly and engaging. She kept the course moving quickly and always made sure everyone was keeping up. When I had questions about certain aspects of the material, she was well informed and was able to answer my questions quickly and succinctly.

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060