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The Ultimate Training Experience.

CSS3 Essentials Course

(4.80 out of 5) 142 Student Reviews

About the Course

During this 2-day course, participants will learn the most popular, useful, and well-supported pieces of CSS3 through a series of practical but innovative projects. Participants learn by completing a number of practical exercises involving the new techniques of CSS3 to produce a finished web page or section of a page. Participants can adapt these exercises to their own projects, or use them as inspiration for completely different ways to creatively use the new properties, selectors and values they have learnt.

Who should do this course?

This CSS3 course is for web designers who already have experience using CSS, but want to take their sites and skills to the next level. This course assumes that participants know HTML and CSS syntax and terminology, but you don’t need have any experience using anything that is new to CSS3. Weather you’ve just started using CSS or have been developing sites with it for years, this course will teach you powerful new techniques to add to your CSS toolkit.


Participants should have completed our introductory courses in HTML and CSS or have equivalent skills prior to attending this course. Participants must be comfortable with HTML and CSS syntax and terminology to get the best out of this course.

Course Details

$990 incl GST

  • Duration:2 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Advanced
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am - 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am - 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

04 - 05 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
08 - 09 Oct 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
16 - 17 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

04 - 05 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
08 - 09 Oct 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
16 - 17 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

04 - 05 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
08 - 09 Oct 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
16 - 17 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

04 - 05 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
08 - 09 Oct 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
16 - 17 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

04 - 05 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
08 - 09 Oct 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
16 - 17 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

04 - 05 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
08 - 09 Oct 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
16 - 17 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Unit 1: Introduction to CSS3

  • Overview of What is New
  • Where CSS3 Stands
  • Using CSS3
  • Understanding Browser Support
  • Browser Market Share
  • How Major Players Stack Up
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • Advantages of Progressive Enhancement
  • Benefits of CSS3
  • Reducing development and Maintainace time
  • Increasing Page Performance
  • Better Search Engine Placement
  • Increasing Usability and Accessibility
  • Case Study: Before and After CSS3
  • Browser Prefixes
  • Dealing with Non-supporting Browsers
  • Filtering IE with Conditional Comments
  • Educating Clients About Progressive Enhancement
  • Managing Client Expectations

Unit 2: CSS3 Speech Bubbles

  • Corralling Long Text
  • Graphics Effects Sans Graphics
  • Rounding the Corners
  • Adding the Bubble's Tail
  • Semitransparent Backgrounds with RGBA or HSLA
  • Image-free Gradients
  • Image-free Drop Shadows
  • Image-free Text Shadows
  • Transforming with avatars
  • What are Transforms?
  • Rotating the Avatars

Unit 3: CSS3 Notebook Paper

  • Beyond the Basic Background
  • Scaling the Background Image
  • Multiple Background Images on One Element
  • Adding a Graphic Border
  • Adding a Drop Shadow
  • Embedding Unique Fonts
  • Understanding @font-face
  • Choosing Acceptable Fonts
  • Converting Fonts
  • Using @font-face

Unit 4: Styling Images and Links by Type

  • Understanding Attribute Selectors
  • Indicating File types with Dynamically Added Icons
  • Alternative Icon Ideas
  • Styling Full-size Photos and Thumbnails
  • Understanding the Troubles with Classes
  • Using Attribute Selectors to Target by Type

Unit 5: Improving Efficiency Using Pseudo-classes

  • Targeting Specific Elements Without Using IDs or Classes
  • New Structural Pseudo-classes
  • Back to Speech Bubbles: Alternating Colors
  • Back to Photos: Random Rotation
  • Dynamically Highlighting Page Sections
  • The :target Pseudo-class
  • Adding the Table of Contents
  • Changing Background Color on the Jumped-to Section
  • Animating the Change with Pure CSS

Unit 6: Different Screen Size, Different Design

  • Understanding Media Queries
  • Changing the Layout for Large Screens
  • From Horizontal Nav Bar to Vertical Menu
  • Multi-column Text
  • Changing the Layout of Small Screens
  • Changing the Layout of Mobile Devices
  • Understanding Device Width
  • Improving the Look on High-resolution Displays
  • The Viewpoint meta tag
  • Workarounds for Non-supporting Browsers

Unit 7: Flexing your Layouts

  • Creating Multi-column Layouts Without Floats and Positioning
  • Making Blocks Flex
  • Adding Columns
  • Reordering Columns
  • Equal-height Columns
  • Vertical and Horizontal Centering
  • Flexible Form Layout
  • Sticky Footers
  • Alternatives to the Flexible Box Model
  • The box-sizing Property
  • Future Layout Systems

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Course Reviews

(5.00 out of 5) [ 09 January, 2024 ]

The exercises and examples were very good. The course went at a good pace and the instructor was very open to questions.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 22 November, 2022 ]

Excellent content. Cath was very knowledgeable and covered a lot of extra material specific to our requirements.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 22 November, 2022 ]

Very useful course - Cath had a great teaching style using very interest examples to highlight all of the aspects of CSS. She was very patient in answering questions and followed up when she didn't know the answer immediately. Overall highly recommended.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 24 June, 2021 ]

Excellent! Very informative. Instructor was more than happy to go off-topic to explain concepts and cover additional content.

Read all course reviews

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060