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The Ultimate Training Experience.

HTML5 Essentials Course

(4.74 out of 5) 123 Student Reviews

About the Course

During this 2-day course, participants will learn how to apply HTML5 to realise its benefits in today’s web browsers. To work and create websites and applications in HTML5, web designers and developers will need to know first how that structure is constructed. Our HTML5 training course teaches you how to create strong foundations which will help you to later apply the rest of the components to take full advantage of these new possibilities.

Who should do this course?

This HTML5 course is for web designers who want to apply HTML5 semantics and structure that make their websites become richer and more accessible, as well as, using native multimedia for video and audio and building intelligent web forms.


Participants should have completed our introductory courses in HTML or have equivalent skills prior to attending this course. Whilst it is not a pre-requisite; to get the best out of this course it is strongly recommended that participants also attend our introductory CSS and JavaScript course or have equivalent CSS and JavaScript knowledge prior to attending the HTML5 course.

Course Details

$990 incl GST

  • Duration:2 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Advanced
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am - 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am - 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
12 - 13 Feb 25 Wed - Thu Online Live
17 - 18 Mar 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
12 - 13 Feb 25 Wed - Thu Online Live
17 - 18 Mar 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
12 - 13 Feb 25 Wed - Thu Online Live
17 - 18 Mar 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
12 - 13 Feb 25 Wed - Thu Online Live
17 - 18 Mar 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
12 - 13 Feb 25 Wed - Thu Online Live
17 - 18 Mar 25 Mon - Tue Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Jan 25 Thu - Fri Online Live
12 - 13 Feb 25 Wed - Thu Online Live
17 - 18 Mar 25 Mon - Tue Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Introducing HTML5

  • What is HTML5
  • Three Key Principles of HTML5
  • Your First Look at HTML5 Markup
  • The HTML5 Doctype
  • Character Encoding
  • A Closer Look at HTML5 Syntax
  • HTML5 Validation
  • HTML5’s Element Family
  • Added Elements
  • Removed Elements
  • Tweaked Elements
  • Standardised Elements
  • Using HTML5 Today
  • Evaluating Browser Support

Unit 2: A New Way to Structure Pages

  • Introducing the Semantic Elements
  • Retrofitting a Traditional HTML Page
  • Page Structure the Old Way
  • Page Structure with HTML5
  • Subtitles with (hgroup)
  • Adding a Figure with (figure)
  • Adding a Sidebar with (aside)
  • Browser Compatibility for the Semantic Elements
  • Designing a Site with the Semantic Elements
  • The HTML5 Outlining System
  • How to view an Outline
  • Basic Outlines
  • Sectioning Elements

Unit 3: Meaningful Markup

  • The Semantic Elements Revisited
  • Dates and Times with (time)
  • Highlighted Text with (mark)
  • Other Standards that Boost Semantics
  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
  • RDFa (Resource Description Framework)
  • Microformats
  • Microdate
  • Google Rich Snippets

Unit 4: Web Forms, Refined

  • Understanding Forms
  • Revamping a Traditional HTML Form
  • Adding Hints with Placeholders
  • Focus: Starting in the Right Spot
  • Validation: Stopping Errors
  • Understanding HTML5 Validation
  • Turning Validation Off
  • Validation Styling Hooks
  • Validating with Regular Expression
  • Custom Validation
  • Browser Support for Validation
  • Understanding different Types of Input
  • Input Suggestion with (datalist)
  • Toolbars and Menus with (command) and (menu)

Unit 5: Audio and Video

  • Understanding Video Today
  • Introducing HTML5 Audio and Video
  • Understanding Media Formats
  • Controlling Your Player with JavaScript
  • Adding Sound Effects
  • Creating a Custom Video Player
  • Captions and Accessibility

Unit 6: Basic Drawing with the Canvas

  • Getting Started with the Canvas
  • Straight Lines
  • Paths and Shapes
  • Curved Lines
  • Transforms
  • Transperency
  • Building a Basic Paint Program
  • Preparing to Draw
  • Drawing on the Canvas
  • Saving the Picture in the Canvas
  • Browser Compatibility for the Canvas
  • Polyfilling the canvas

Unit 7: Deeper into the Canvas

  • Drawing Images
  • Slicing, Dicing and Resising and Image
  • Drawing Text
  • Shadows and Fancy Fills
  • Making Your Shapes Interactive
  • Animating the Canvas
  • A Practical Example: the Maze Game

Unit 8: Boosting Styles with CSS3

  • Using CSS3 Today
  • Web Typography
  • Web Font Formats
  • Using a Font Kit
  • Using Google Web Fonts
  • Using your Own Fonts
  • Putting Text in Multiple Columns
  • Adapting to Different Devices
  • Building Better Boxes
  • Creating Effects with Transitions

Unit 9: Data Storage

  • Web Storage Basics
  • Storing Data
  • Removing Items
  • Finding All Stored Items
  • Storing Numbers and Data
  • Storing Objects
  • Reacting to Storage Changes
  • Reading a Text File
  • Replacing the Standard Upload Control
  • Reading Multiple Files at Once
  • Reading an image File

Unit 10: Offline Applications

  • Caching Files with a Manifest
  • Creating a Manifest
  • Using your Manifest
  • Updating Manifest File
  • Practical Caching Techniques

Unit 11: Communicating with the Web Server

  • Sending Messages to the Web Server
  • Server-Sent Events
  • Web Sockets

Unit 12: Applying JavaScript

  • Geolocation
  • Web Workers
  • History Management

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Course Reviews

(5.00 out of 5) [ 02 June, 2022 ]

Thank-you John, for tailoring training for me today - I really appreciate it! You are a fantastic trainer. I found the pace was very good and you made it a most engaging and interesting session.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 13 April, 2021 ]

very informative course. I was able to learn the semantics which is new to be as I was doing DIVs. Linda is always great as usual.

(4.60 out of 5) [ 30 March, 2021 ]

Linda was wonderful! Very thorough and knowledgeable in every aspect of CSS, JS and HTML. She soldiered on even when she was sick!

(5.00 out of 5) [ 30 March, 2021 ]

Loved it! Linda was very knowledgeable, provided great support when we had issues and covered a great variety of concepts and information to take away and apply to my role.

Read all course reviews

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060