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The Ultimate Training Experience.

Power Apps Essentials Course

(4.75 out of 5) 19 Student Reviews

Microsoft Partner - Dynamic Web Training

About the Course

During this 1-day course, you will learn how to design, develop, and deploy powerful, yet easy-to-use applications using Power Apps. First, we will explore all the building blocks and puzzle pieces required to build an app and then, step-by-step, connect all these pieces together to solve a business problem by building an app. This is the most effective technique to focus our time and effort on learning features, concepts, and best practices that actually matter in real life and enables you to apply the knowledge immediately. In our case, we will be building a fully functional application to place an order for our product.

While building our app, we will also establish connections to multiple data sources (Excel and SharePoint) and will also use basic formulas to enhance its useability.

Who should do this course?

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to gain a clear understanding of building custom apps using Microsoft Power Apps, as well as, professionals who want to build foundations to learn advanced app building concepts. Common roles include Power Platform specialists, Data and Business Analyst, Data Engineers, BI Specialists, DevOps Engineer, Web Designers, and Developers.


There are no pre-requisites to take this course. However, a basic understanding of data management, workflows, creating tables, and working knowledge with excel formulas will be desirable, but not necessary.

Course Details

$440 incl GST

  • Duration:1 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Beginner
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
23 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
23 Oct 24 Wed Online Live
18 Nov 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
23 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
23 Oct 24 Wed Online Live
18 Nov 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
23 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
23 Oct 24 Wed Online Live
18 Nov 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
23 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
23 Oct 24 Wed Online Live
18 Nov 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
23 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
23 Oct 24 Wed Online Live
18 Nov 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
23 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
23 Oct 24 Wed Online Live
18 Nov 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Introduction to Power Apps

  • What is Power Apps?
  • What Power Apps can do for you?
  • Different Types of Power Apps
  • Connectors and Data Sources in Power Apps
  • What is Microsoft Power Platform?
  • Power Apps and Office 365 Licenses
  • Power Apps Community Plan

Unit 2: Power Apps Building Blocks

  • Introduction to Environment
  • Power Apps Home Page
  • Power Apps Studio
  • Power Apps Browser, Mobile and Desktop App
  • Power Apps Versions Control

Unit 3: Create a Canvas App from Existing Data

  • SharePoint/OneDrive List as Database
  • Power Apps Phone Layout
  • Power Apps Studio Overview
  • Gallery & Important Properties
  • Power App Controls & Icon Control
  • Understanding Search Function
  • Understanding Sort Function
  • Working with Power Apps Form
  • Understanding Save App
  • Understanding App Settings
  • Publish App
  • Share App with Co-workers
  • Understanding Power Apps Version Control
  • Understanding Import/Export App

Unit 4: Create a Canvas App from Blank

  • Case Study and Case Database
  • Understanding Tablet Layout
  • Add Data
  • Insert Gallery
  • Save, Publish & Share App with Co-workers

Unit 5: Power Apps Gallery

  • Introduction to Gallery
  • Using Vertical, Horizontal & Flexible Height Gallery
  • How to Edit Gallery Controls
  • Understanding Template Fill
  • Understanding Template Padding
  • Understanding Template Size
  • Other Gallery Properties

Unit 6: Power Apps Forms

  • Introduction to Forms
  • How to Edit Form and View Form
  • Working with Form Data Source and Item
  • Understanding Other Form Properties
  • Creating New Form
  • Understanding Form Mode and Display Mode
  • Understanding Form Design
  • How to Modify a View Form Design
  • Submit Form
  • Reset Form

Unit 7: Power Apps Screens

  • Introduction to Screens
  • Understanding Scrollable Screen
  • Working with List Screen
  • Understanding Success Screen
  • Working with Email Screen
  • Meeting, People & Calendar Screen
  • Split Screens & Container
  • Print Screens

Unit 8: Power Apps Theme & Components

  • Introduction to Theme
  • Understanding Standard Theme
  • Understanding Office Theme

Unit 9: Power Apps Label Control & Properties

  • Introduction to Label
  • Design Properties of Label
  • Understanding Auto Height Property

Unit 10: Power Apps Button Control & Properties

  • Introduction to Button
  • Understanding Fill and Color Property
  • Understanding HoverFill and HoverColor Property
  • Understanding PressedFill and PressedColor Property
  • Display Mode Property
  • On Select Property
  • On Visible & On Hidden Property

Unit 11: Dropdown & ComboBox

  • Difference between Dropdown & ComboBox
  • Setting Items Properties
  • Dropdown Default Property
  • Dropdown OnChange & OnSelect Property
  • ComboBox Select Multiple Property
  • ComboBox IsSearchable Property
  • ComboBox DefaultSelectedItems Property

Unit 12: Other Controls & Properties

  • Understanding Date Picker
  • Date Picker Default Date Property
  • Date Picker OnSelect & OnChange Property
  • Understanding CheckBox
  • CheckBox True Text, False Text Property
  • CheckBox OnCheck & OnSelect Property
  • Understanding Radio Property
  • Radio Items
  • Radio Size
  • Radio OnSelect & OnChange
  • Understanding Toggle Property
  • Toggle TrueFill, FalseFill
  • Toggle TrueText, FalseText
  • Toggle OnSelect & OnChange
  • Toggle OnCheck & OnUncheck
  • Understanding Slider Property
  • Slider Min & Max Property
  • Slider Value
  • Slider OnSelect & OnChange
  • Understanding Timer Property
  • Timer Duration
  • Timer OnTimerStart & OnTimerEnd
  • Timer OnSelect
  • Timer AutoStart & AutoPause
  • Timer Reset & Start

Unit 13: Power Apps Media & Properties

  • Setting Image Properties
  • Setting Camera Properties
  • Setting BarCode Properties
  • Understanding Import Property
  • Understanding Export Property

Unit 14: Power Apps Icons

  • Understanding Different Icons
  • Icons OnSelect Property
  • Icons Padding Property
  • How to Change Icons

Unit 15: Power Apps Variables

  • Introduction to Variables
  • Difference Between Context & Global Variable
  • How to Set Context Variable
  • Using Context Variable
  • How to Set Global Variable
  • Using Global Variable

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Course Reviews

(4.10 out of 5) [ 03 June, 2024 ]

The course materials were pitched at the right level. AS my class was very small, and we worked in the same area of the same workplace, the instructor was able to skip over some of the introductory material and spend more time on the nuts and bolts of PowerApp development. I learned a lot today.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 22 May, 2024 ]

Good introductory course. Facilitator was consistently asking if attendees could follow the examples or needed assistance.

(4.60 out of 5) [ 22 May, 2024 ]

Course was great, however, I feel more time is needed on the build part of the course, and maybe less time at the beginning of the course. Other than that, I learnt a lot, and look forward to using Power Apps.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 06 February, 2024 ]

Good instruction of different aspects and things to know when using Power Apps and also the different types and when they're useful. Instructor was helpful, patient and knowledgeable.

Read all course reviews

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060