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The Ultimate Training Experience.

Advanced SQL Queries Course

(4.88 out of 5) 394 Student Reviews

Microsoft Partner - Dynamic Web Training

About the Course

During this 2-day Advanced SQL course, you will learn more advanced aspects of the SQL language, and a better understanding of how SQL databases work. You will learn about good database design, improve your ability to retrieve, manipulate and analyse data using SQL, learn about more creating more efficient queries, and how to combine multiple queries.

The course will focus on Microsoft SQL Server. However, the skills you learn in this Advanced SQL Queries course is not limited to just Microsoft SQL, it is also suitable for learning more about PostgreSQL, MySQL & MariaDB and Oracle among others.

Who should do this course?

This course is suitable for anyone seeking to extend their knowledge of the SQL Language, as well as a better under understanding of how SQL databases work.


This course assumes a basic understanding of SQL prior to attending. Participants should have completed our SQL Essentials course or have equivalent skills.

Course Details

$990 incl GST

  • Duration:2 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Advanced
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
05 - 06 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
15 - 16 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
03 - 04 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
30 - 31 Oct 24 Wed - Thu Classroom
06 - 07 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
28 - 29 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
02 - 03 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
15 - 16 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
29 - 30 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
23 - 24 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
06 - 07 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
18 - 19 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
02 - 03 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
19 - 20 Dec 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
15 - 16 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
20 - 21 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Classroom
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
24 - 25 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
06 - 07 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Dec 24 Wed - Thu Classroom
10 - 11 Feb 25 Mon - Tue Classroom
10 - 11 Apr 25 Thu - Fri Classroom
02 - 03 Jun 25 Mon - Tue Classroom
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
15 - 16 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
06 - 07 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
15 - 16 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
06 - 07 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

29 - 30 Jul 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
15 - 16 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
06 - 07 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Setting up SQL

  • Setting up the Editor
  • Setting up Databases
  • Testing, Type Qualifications & Arguments
  • IF an object EXISTS
  • ‘type’ qualifications
  • ‘type’ arguments of the functions
  • Building the SQL Database
  • Creating the Database
  • Creating the Tables
  • Inserting the Data
  • SQL Schema
  • The Database Schema
  • Import Table Wizard
  • RESTORE the Databases

Unit 2: Data Definition Language (DDL)

  • Commonly used DDL statements
  • Understanding Temporary Tables
  • CREATE Local Temporary Tables
  • CREATE Global Temporary Tables
  • Differences Between DELETE & TRUNCATE TABLE
  • Using DELETE
  • Creating a VIEW

Unit 3: Stored Procedures & Functions

  • Understanding Functions and Stored Procedures
  • Understanding a User Defined Function (udf)
  • Creating a Scalar-Valued Function
  • The Random Number Generator
  • Using the Random Number Generator
  • Using UPDATE
  • Creating a VIEW
  • What is a User Stored Procedure (usp)
  • Procedures to Invoke CALL Functions
  • Creating a User Stored Procedure (usp)
  • Stored Procedure with Default Parameters
  • Generating Stored Procedures to Rebuild the Orders Table
  • Wrapping Stored Procedures
  • Manipulating Strings With Scalar Functions
  • Creating an Inline ‘Table-Valued’ Function
  • Using a Multi-Statement Table-Valued Function

Unit 4: Local & Global variables

  • What are variables?
  • Understanding Data Variables
  • Understanding @variable datatypes
  • Strings
  • Numeric
  • Date/Time
  • Understanding Global variables
  • Examples of SQL Global Variables
  • Using the TRANCOUNT global variable
  • Using the ROWCOUNT global variable
  • Using the VERSION global variable
  • Understanding the ERROR global variable

Unit 5: Debugging SQL Code

  • Useful debugging keyboard shortcuts
  • How to Debug a Procedure (usp)
  • How to Debug a Function (udf)
  • Commencing the debugging process
  • Viewing the Locals window
  • Inserting a Breakpoint

Unit 6: Common Conversion Functions

  • Defined datatypes ranked in order of precedence
  • Working with CAST() with Dates
  • Working with CAST() to Concatenate
  • Working with CONVERT()
  • Working with TRY_CAST and TRY_CATCH
  • Working with COALESCE
  • Working with DATENAME()

Unit 7: Logic Functions

  • Analysing IIF versus CASE statements
  • Working with an IIF Function
  • Working with CASE

Unit 8: Row Functions & Operators

  • Using OVER
  • Using multiple columns in the PARTITION BY
  • Using ROLLUP
  • Using ORDER BY ROW

Unit 9: Ranking Functions

  • Defining Common Ranking Functions
  • Understanding ROW_NUMBER
  • Understanding RANK
  • Understanding DENSE_RANK
  • Understanding NTILE
  • Using ROW_NUMBER
  • Using RANK
  • Using DENSE_RANK
  • Using NTILE

Unit 10: Using Subqueries

  • Overview of Subqueries
  • Using a Subquery in WHERE
  • Using Subqueries in SELECT
  • Using CAST() in a Subquery
  • Building a Function with Subquery
  • Understanding Correlated Subqueries

Unit 11: Common Table Expressions (CTE)

  • Overview of Common Table Expressions (CTE)
  • Understanding Non-Recursive CTE’s
  • Using a Non-Recursive CTE
  • Using the CTE - ORDER BY
  • Declaring variables for the CTE definition
  • Using a CTE Without Parameters
  • Using a CTE With a Calculated Definition
  • Using a CTE with Multiple Query Expressions
  • Using a Recursive Common Table Expression (CTE)
  • Demonstrating a Simple Recursive CTE
  • Using a CTE for a Hierarchy

Unit 12: Triggers

  • Understanding Triggers
  • Creating Trigger Tables
  • Creating Table Triggers INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE
  • Maintaining the Employee and Audit Tables
  • Using Action Triggers
  • Rebuilding The Employees & Audit Tables

Unit 13: Transaction Processing

  • Understanding Transaction Processing
  • Integrating Transaction Statements
  • Working with BEGIN TRANSACTION
  • Working with COMMIT & ROLLBACK
  • Using the ERROR Global Variable
  • Creating the Table & User Stored Procedure for Transaction
  • Using the TRANCOUNT Global Variable

Unit 14: Cursors

  • Methods of Iteration
  • Using WHILE loops
  • What is a CURSOR
  • Using a CURSOR with FETCH
  • Using a Cursor to iterate over a table
  • Using a Cursor to iterate over all databases

Unit 15: Workshop Exercises

  • Creating a Workplace Table
  • Creating Stored Procedures
  • Creating an Inventory Orders Table
  • Creating a Failed Order Log Table
  • Creating a Stored Procedure to Log a Failed Order
  • Creating a Stored Procedure for a New Order
  • Creating Stored Procedures to Test New Orders
  • Building a udf_Spend_Boundary
  • Working with CAST() to convert Numeric
  • Working with CAST() to ROUND Numeric
  • Using SCROLL with a CURSOR
  • Using PIVOT Tables
  • Referring to Other Databases

Training Packages

SQL Training Package

$ 1760 incl GST
(You save $220)
Total Duration
4 days
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Related Courses

Course Reviews

(5.00 out of 5) [ 11 July, 2024 ]

it is a very useful course. I would love to have some "exercises/home-works" after the course so that I can review what I studied in the course by doing these exercises.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 20 June, 2024 ]

Excellent course with Matt. Good atmosphere and Matt likes to share his amazing knowledge about everything illustrating along the way with great example. Really enjoyable!

(4.10 out of 5) [ 15 May, 2024 ]

The course is good, Day 2 is more focused on data engineering I guess but still valuable learn if you are looking to be more specialized in data analytics.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 06 May, 2024 ]

Advanced SQL contents were awesome and they were easily delivered with good examples so everyone can follow.

Read all course reviews

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060