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The Ultimate Training Experience.

Power BI Advanced Course

(4.89 out of 5) 672 Student Reviews

Microsoft Partner - Dynamic Web Training

About the Course

This 2-day course covers the latest functionalities and updates in Power BI while diving deep into practical solutions of the common challenges faced by a business user while performing analytics. During this course, students will learn how to perform more sophisticated data manipulations, best practices and do’s and don’ts of data modelling, AI-enhanced features and visuals and managing the security to build an enterprise-level solution.

Who should do this course?

This course is suitable for business users who wants to implement BI to create reports and dashboard or SQL Server report creators who are interested in alternative methods of presenting data.


This Power BI course is suitable for the people who have completed the Power BI essentials course or have equivalent skills. To benefit most from this course, participants must have some expertise in using excel functions such as VLOOKUP and Pivot table and are familiar with interface and navigation of Microsoft Power BI tool.

Course Details

$990 incl GST

  • Duration:2 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Advanced
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

30 - 31 Jul 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
31 Jul - 01 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Classroom
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
12 - 13 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
21 - 22 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
26 - 27 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
28 - 29 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
25 - 26 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Classroom
30 Sep - 01 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
14 - 15 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
17 - 18 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
21 - 22 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
04 - 05 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
07 - 08 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
20 - 21 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
26 - 27 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
10 - 11 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
16 - 17 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
17 - 18 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Classroom
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

30 - 31 Jul 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
05 - 06 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
08 - 09 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
12 - 13 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
21 - 22 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
28 - 29 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
05 - 06 Sep 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
30 Sep - 01 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
17 - 18 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
21 - 22 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
04 - 05 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
20 - 21 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
25 - 26 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Classroom
26 - 27 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
10 - 11 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
16 - 17 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
19 - 20 Dec 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

30 - 31 Jul 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
01 - 02 Aug 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Classroom
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
12 - 13 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
21 - 22 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
28 - 29 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
10 - 11 Sep 24 Tue - Wed Classroom
18 - 19 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
25 - 26 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Classroom
30 Sep - 01 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
17 - 18 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
21 - 22 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
24 - 25 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Classroom
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
04 - 05 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
19 - 20 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Classroom
20 - 21 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
26 - 27 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
10 - 11 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
16 - 17 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Dec 24 Wed - Thu Classroom
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 - 31 Jul 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
12 - 13 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
21 - 22 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
28 - 29 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
30 Sep - 01 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
17 - 18 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
21 - 22 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
04 - 05 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
20 - 21 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
26 - 27 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
10 - 11 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
16 - 17 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 - 31 Jul 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
12 - 13 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
21 - 22 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
28 - 29 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
30 Sep - 01 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
17 - 18 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
21 - 22 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
04 - 05 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
20 - 21 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
26 - 27 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
10 - 11 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
16 - 17 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 - 31 Jul 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
06 - 07 Aug 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
12 - 13 Aug 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
21 - 22 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
28 - 29 Aug 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
02 - 03 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
09 - 10 Sep 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
18 - 19 Sep 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
30 Sep - 01 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
17 - 18 Oct 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
21 - 22 Oct 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
31 Oct - 01 Nov 24 Thu - Fri Online Live
04 - 05 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
11 - 12 Nov 24 Mon - Tue Online Live
20 - 21 Nov 24 Wed - Thu Online Live
26 - 27 Nov 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
10 - 11 Dec 24 Tue - Wed Online Live
16 - 17 Dec 24 Mon - Tue Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Introduction

  • Overview of BI Process
  • Overview of Different Power BI Products
  • Latest Features and Top Enhancements in Power BI

Unit 2: Power Query - Advanced Data Transformation

  • Data Transformation Principle
  • Pivot and Unpivot
  • Merging Queries
  • Appending Queries
  • Using Basic Group By functionality
  • Using Advanced Group by Functionality
  • Choosing Columns
  • Duplicating a Query
  • Referencing a Query
  • Difference between Duplicate and Reference
  • Extracting Columns
  • Formatting Columns
  • Copying Queries across reports

Unit 3: Power Query - Creating Columns

  • Creating Date Columns
  • Creating Standard Columns
  • Creating Scientific Columns
  • Creating Statistical Columns
  • Creating Information Columns
  • Creating Index Columns
  • Creating Conditional Columns
  • Creating Custom Columns
  • Creating Columns by Examples

Unit 4: Fuzzy Match

  • Using Fuzzy Match to Merge Queries
  • Changing Similarity Threshold
  • Working with Fuzzy Merge Options
  • Creating and Using Transformation Table

Unit 5: Data Profiling

  • What is Data Profiling and its use case?
  • Column Distribution
  • Column Quality
  • Column Profile

Unit 6: Converting Flat File into a Data Model

  • Duplicate Queries
  • Removing Columns
  • Removing Duplicates
  • Building Relationships

Unit 7: Data Modelling - Fundamental Concepts

  • Understanding a Data Model
  • Understanding a Fact Table
  • Understanding a Data Table
  • What Is a Dimension?
  • Working with Look-Up Table
  • Understanding Star Schema
  • Understanding Snow Flake Schema
  • How Filter Propagation Work?
  • Understanding Double Vs Single Cross Filtering Direction
  • Understanding Active Vs Inactive Relationships

Unit 8: Data Modelling - Common Issues and Solutions

  • What Questions To Ask Before Starting?
  • Good Practices of Data Modelling
  • Having No Unique Identifier
  • Relation between Two Different Dimensions
  • Understanding Loops
  • Creation of Surrogate Key
  • Creation of Bridge/Fact-Less Fact Table
  • Creation of Calculated Tables
  • Building Calendar Table

Unit 9: Latest Features in Data Modelling

  • Many to Many Relationship
  • Applying Security Filter in Both Direction
  • Working with Views and Perspectives
  • Composite Model
  • Writing Properties for Tool Tip
  • Creating Hierarchies

Unit 10: DAX Introduction and Core Concepts

  • Understanding DAX Rules and Concepts
  • Filter Context
  • Row Context
  • Calculated Columns
  • Calculated Measures
  • Calculated Tables

Unit 11: Common DAX Functions

  • Related/Related Table function
  • Sum function
  • Count Function
  • SumX function
  • Calculate function
  • Filter Function
  • Userelationship function
  • Using Variables for DAX

Unit 12: Quick Measures

  • Introduction to Quick Measures
  • Quick Measure - Year to Date
  • Quick Measure - Filter
  • Quick Measure - Rolling Average
  • Quick Measure - Percentage Difference

Unit 13: Data Visualization

  • Drilling through Filters across Reports
  • Creating KPI Score Card
  • Working With Uni Char Symbols
  • Slicer Synchronization across Multiple Pages
  • Working With Selection and Book Marks Pane
  • Q&A Improvements
  • Creating infographics

Unit 14: Conditional Formatting in Power BI

  • By Back Ground Colour
  • By Font Colour
  • Data Bar
  • By Rule
  • By Another Column
  • Dynamic Chart Titles
  • Switch DAX Function
  • For Chart Visuals using Measures

Unit 15: AI Enhanced Visualization

  • What are AI visuals?
  • Key Influencer Visual
  • Clustering using Scatter Chart

Unit 16: Performance Analyzer

  • What is Performance Analyzer?
  • Start Recording
  • Understanding the Results
  • Drilling Down into the Visual
  • Renaming the visual using Selection Pane
  • Analyze Results to Modify Slicer
  • Analyze Results to Refresh a Particular Visual

Unit 17: Working with Row Level Security

  • Creating Roles
  • Writing Table Filter Expressions for a Single Field
  • Writing Table Filter Expressions for Multiple Fields
  • Viewing as Roles
  • Creating Dynamic Row Level Security
  • Creating Dynamic Row Level Security According to
  • Reporting Line
  • Assigning Members to Roles
  • URL Filtering
  • Dynamic URL Filtering

Unit 18: Work Space App

  • Testing Scenarios in Power Bi Service
  • Creating Work Space Apps
  • Assigning Permissions in Work space Apps
  • Collaborating on Shared Reports
  • Sharing Reports Using Apps

Unit 19: Working with Parameters and Functions

  • Create New Parameter
  • Importing web query using parameter
  • Creating functions
  • Invoking functions
  • Defining a list
  • Converting List to Table
  • Adding Column by invoking custom functions

Training Packages

Complete Power BI Package

$ 2541 incl GST
(You save $330)
Total Duration
6 days
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Course Reviews

(4.80 out of 5) [ 23 July, 2024 ]

I really liked how Ali went through the data structure / set up in relation to dimension tables and flat tables and the theory associated with it. I often hear these terms, but never really understood what they meant. I now have a much deeper understanding of this, thanks Ali.

(4.80 out of 5) [ 23 July, 2024 ]

Ali was amazing in this course. His pace picked up in some areas and dropped in others to emphasise points which I found engaging but also a little challenging at times. This is likely as I was typing my own notes from what I was learning at the same time as doing the practical components. I was always able to catch up. Ali was extremely knowledgeable and worked through any issues but also as a show of his skill, our group had minimal issues due to the thorough teaching/steps shown. We weren't a very talkative group but Ali did well in engaging us.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 23 July, 2024 ]

Very insightful. The course focussed heavily on data modelling which I wasn't expecting but I got a lot out of it and can see the importance of understanding this in my Power BI journey. Ali was a very engaging trainer which I liked. It is clear that he is passionate and knowledgeable with the content. The course uses Excel files and content which is not always relevant to organisations that use databases. Ali was able to provide helpful information to questions in this space though.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 23 July, 2024 ]

Provided a great overview of how to set up a data model, and should be essential for anyone introducing Power BI to their organisation. especially important for anyone coming from an Excel background.

Read all course reviews

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060