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The Ultimate Training Experience.

Power BI Report Design Course

(4.88 out of 5) 480 Student Reviews

Microsoft Partner - Dynamic Web Training

About the Course

During this 1-day course, you will learn to build Power BI reports that are not just accurate and functional, but also visually compelling. Students will build strong design foundations to enrich their reports by first exploring and then intelligently utilising some handy tools and elements such as conditional formatting, bookmarks, report page tool tips, drill through filters, custom visuals, and more.

Who should do this course?

This course benefits new and experienced Power BI professionals who want to become proficient in designing eye-catching reports.


This Power BI course is suitable for the people who have either completed our Power BI essentials course or have equivalent skills.

Course Details

$495 incl GST

  • Duration:1 Days
  • Max. Class Size:10
  • Avg. Class Size:5
  • Study Mode:
    Classroom Online Live
  • Level:Intermediate
  • Course Times: Classroom: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(Local Time) Online Live: 9.00am to 5.00pm approx(AEST or AEDT)
  • Download Course PDF
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Course Dates

Sydney Class Dates

Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney , NSW 2060

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
06 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
12 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
14 Aug 24 Wed Classroom
16 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
20 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
22 Aug 24 Thu Classroom
22 Aug 24 Thu Online Live
26 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
28 Aug 24 Wed Classroom
03 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
09 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
10 Sep 24 Tue Classroom
11 Sep 24 Wed Online Live
17 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
24 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
24 Sep 24 Tue Classroom
26 Sep 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Online Live
09 Oct 24 Wed Classroom
11 Oct 24 Fri Online Live
15 Oct 24 Tue Online Live
21 Oct 24 Mon Online Live
25 Oct 24 Fri Classroom
01 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
06 Nov 24 Wed Classroom
06 Nov 24 Wed Online Live
12 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
15 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
19 Nov 24 Tue Classroom
21 Nov 24 Thu Online Live
26 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
02 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
04 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
06 Dec 24 Fri Classroom
09 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
16 Dec 24 Mon Classroom
18 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
Melbourne Class Dates

Level 12, 379 Collins Street, Melbourne , VIC 3000

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
06 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
12 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
16 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
20 Aug 24 Tue Classroom
20 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
22 Aug 24 Thu Online Live
26 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
03 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
09 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
11 Sep 24 Wed Online Live
12 Sep 24 Thu Classroom
17 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
24 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
26 Sep 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Online Live
09 Oct 24 Wed Classroom
11 Oct 24 Fri Online Live
15 Oct 24 Tue Online Live
16 Oct 24 Wed Classroom
21 Oct 24 Mon Online Live
30 Oct 24 Wed Classroom
01 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
06 Nov 24 Wed Online Live
12 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
15 Nov 24 Fri Classroom
15 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
21 Nov 24 Thu Online Live
26 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
28 Nov 24 Thu Classroom
02 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
04 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
09 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
13 Dec 24 Fri Classroom
18 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
Brisbane Class Dates

Level 6, 371 Queen Street, Brisbane , QLD 4000

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
31 Jul 24 Wed Classroom
06 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
07 Aug 24 Wed Classroom
12 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
16 Aug 24 Fri Classroom
16 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
20 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
22 Aug 24 Thu Online Live
26 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
30 Aug 24 Fri Classroom
03 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
09 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
11 Sep 24 Wed Online Live
17 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
19 Sep 24 Thu Classroom
24 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
26 Sep 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Classroom
11 Oct 24 Fri Online Live
15 Oct 24 Tue Online Live
16 Oct 24 Wed Classroom
21 Oct 24 Mon Online Live
29 Oct 24 Tue Classroom
01 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
06 Nov 24 Wed Online Live
12 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
15 Nov 24 Fri Classroom
15 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
21 Nov 24 Thu Online Live
26 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
28 Nov 24 Thu Classroom
02 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
04 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
09 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
11 Dec 24 Wed Classroom
18 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
Canberra Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
06 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
12 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
16 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
20 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
22 Aug 24 Thu Online Live
26 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
03 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
09 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
11 Sep 24 Wed Online Live
17 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
24 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
26 Sep 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Online Live
11 Oct 24 Fri Online Live
15 Oct 24 Tue Online Live
21 Oct 24 Mon Online Live
01 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
06 Nov 24 Wed Online Live
12 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
15 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
21 Nov 24 Thu Online Live
26 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
02 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
04 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
09 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
18 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
Adelaide Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
06 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
12 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
16 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
20 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
22 Aug 24 Thu Online Live
26 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
03 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
09 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
11 Sep 24 Wed Online Live
17 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
24 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
26 Sep 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Online Live
11 Oct 24 Fri Online Live
15 Oct 24 Tue Online Live
21 Oct 24 Mon Online Live
01 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
06 Nov 24 Wed Online Live
12 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
15 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
21 Nov 24 Thu Online Live
26 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
02 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
04 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
09 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
18 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
Perth Class Dates

All courses facilitated in, Online Live format ,

30 Jul 24 Tue Online Live
06 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
12 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
16 Aug 24 Fri Online Live
20 Aug 24 Tue Online Live
22 Aug 24 Thu Online Live
26 Aug 24 Mon Online Live
03 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
09 Sep 24 Mon Online Live
11 Sep 24 Wed Online Live
17 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
24 Sep 24 Tue Online Live
26 Sep 24 Thu Online Live
03 Oct 24 Thu Online Live
11 Oct 24 Fri Online Live
15 Oct 24 Tue Online Live
21 Oct 24 Mon Online Live
01 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
06 Nov 24 Wed Online Live
12 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
15 Nov 24 Fri Online Live
21 Nov 24 Thu Online Live
26 Nov 24 Tue Online Live
02 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
04 Dec 24 Wed Online Live
09 Dec 24 Mon Online Live
18 Dec 24 Wed Online Live

Course Units

Unit 1: Design Principles

  • How to Communicate a Clear Story
  • Creating Aesthetically Pleasing Reports and Dashboards
  • Using the Right Visuals
  • Information Reading Rule: Left to Right and Top to Bottom
  • Report Design Rule: KPI
  • Report Design Rule: Summarized Data
  • Report Design Rule: Detailed Data
  • Best Choice Visuals for Comparison
  • Best Choice Visuals to Show Data Distribution
  • Visualizing Relationships between Data
  • Analysing Data Composition

Unit 2: Introduction to Power BI Ecosystem

  • Power BI's Reporting and Authoring Tool
  • Using of Different Power BI Components
  • Keeping the Ecosystem Updated
  • Understanding Parts of a Report
  • Sorting and Drilling Through Capabilities
  • Introducing the Spotlight
  • Understanding the Insights
  • Introducing AI Visuals
  • Working with Bookmarks
  • Understanding Filter Propagation
  • Creating a Dashboard
  • Understanding Visuals Pane
  • Understanding Filters Pane
  • Understanding Fields Pane Controls
  • Page Navigation in Power BI
  • Using Enterprise Power BI Templates

Unit 3: Basic Report Elements in Power BI Desktop

  • Importing Custom KPI Icon and Image files
  • Copying and Pasting Between Reports
  • Adding Report Level Measures
  • Introduction to the Ribbon Tabs
  • Configuring Advanced Preview Options
  • Features in Desktop vs. Reports
  • Introduction to Various Data Connectors
  • Creating Calculated Measures, Columns and Tables
  • Creating Hierarchy

Unit 4: Developing Reports in Power BI

  • Creating the Report File
  • Adding Filters and Slicers
  • Adding Visuals and Report Elements
  • Configuring Theme and Formatting
  • Setting the Default User Experience
  • Dynamic Column Headers

Unit 5: Report Filters and Slicers

  • Understanding Filters in Filters Pane
  • Using Filters as a Slicer in a Report
  • Filtering a Report, Page and Visual
  • Understanding Text filtering options
  • Categorizing Date and Time Filters
  • Understanding Date and Time Filtering Options
  • Setting the Filter Status
  • Creating Drop Down or List Filters
  • Creating Number Filters
  • Configuring Multiple Selections
  • Editing Interaction between Filters
  • Syncing Slicers
  • Adding Place Holders
  • Setting Background Colours
  • Adding Search Menu
  • Formatting Options for a Slicer
  • Copying Across the Report
  • Snapping to Grid
  • Configuring Buttons
  • Using Selection Pane
  • Maintaining Layer Order
  • Grouping Items Together
  • Working with Time Intelligence Slicers

Unit 6: Understanding the Report Elements

  • Understanding Report Elements
  • Creating Charts/Graphs
  • Creating AI Visuals
  • Using Card Visual
  • Using Spatial Data for Maps
  • Introduction to Fields Pane
  • Understanding the Format Pane
  • Using the Analytics Pane
  • Adding Text Box
  • Creating Advanced Buttons
  • Adding Shapes
  • Adding Images
  • Creating Card Visual with Icon
  • Configuring Ribbon Chart
  • Using TopN Filters
  • Locking the Filters
  • Creating Cluster Bar Chart
  • Configuring Tooltips
  • Creating Combo Chart
  • Creating Line Chart
  • Adding Analytics Lines
  • Creating Scoreboard

Unit 7: Theme and Formatting Options in Power BI

  • Introduction to Report Themes and Their Types
  • Creating Custom Theme Interface
  • Setting the Visual Header Configuration
  • Adding Image in Title
  • Adding Latest Date
  • Creating Multi-Row Card
  • Formatting Pages
  • Enabling Always-Focus Mode
  • Recommended Practices
  • Final Formatting Method

Unit 8: Premium User Experience

  • Configuring Pages
  • Adding Slicers and Filters
  • Sorting in an Order
  • Configuring the Drill through Location
  • Difference between Workspace and App User Experience
  • User Experience Options Available in Service
  • Writing Comments in a Team
  • Creating Dynamic Multi-Value Data Labels
  • Learning How to Use Charts
  • Recommended Practices
  • Understanding Paginated Report

Unit 9: Conditional Formatting

  • Adding Conditional Formatting
  • Types of Conditional Formatting
  • Adding Data Bars and Icons
  • Adding Custom Icon Set
  • Adding Web URL
  • Using Same Conditions for Multiple Visuals
  • Conditions for Histogram Bins

Unit 10: Drill Through, Visual Interaction and Slicer Synchronisation

  • Navigating From Summary to Detail Pages
  • Configuring Cross Filtering
  • Keeping Filters
  • Setting Visual Interaction
  • Duplicating Pages
  • Configuring Measure in Filters
  • Creating a Decomposition Tree

Unit 11: Basic and Advanced Tooltips

  • Configuring Tooltips on Visuals
  • Enabling Visual Header Tooltip
  • Configuring Tool Tip Pages
  • Using Smart Narrative Visual
  • Adding Emoji in Visuals
  • Adding Various Calculations in Smart Narrative

Unit 12: Bookmarks

  • Quick and Easy Navigation Using Buttons
  • Toggle between Charts Using Buttons
  • Elements of a Bookmark
  • Configuring Button States for User Experience
  • Setting Button Effects
  • Finding Anomalies in Data

Unit 13: Custom Visuals

  • Importing Visuals from Marketplace
  • Common Visuals in an Organization
  • Importing Custom Visuals
  • Custom Slicers
  • Visual Cues
  • Introducing Colour Helper by Okviz - Discuss
  • Box and Whisker Chart

Training Packages

Complete Power BI Package

$ 2541 incl GST
(You save $330)
Total Duration
6 days
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Course Reviews

(5.00 out of 5) [ 26 July, 2024 ]

Vinod is a very experienced and passionate instructor. He helped everyone in the class and make sure we are on the same page with him throughout the whole course.

(4.60 out of 5) [ 19 July, 2024 ]

I really loved this course. Adam was a fantastic and engaging instructor. He was very knowledgeable and very easily helped us weave through the content without getting lost. He had great examples and was not too text heavy with powerpoints or the manual which I really appreciated.

(5.00 out of 5) [ 19 July, 2024 ]

Adam is a great instructor, is very patient and shares his knowledge so enthusiastically. Really appreciated his insights and experience.

(4.50 out of 5) [ 19 July, 2024 ]

This was a fantastic session by Adam - informative, well-paced and he was very happy to answer any questions asked.

Read all course reviews

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Level 11, 32 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW, 2060